[reSIProcate] Repro behaving odd in case of negative responses

Sandeep Ammaladinna sammaladinna at velankani.com
Tue May 6 04:22:35 CDT 2008

  I have a setup where in Repro is acting as a Registrar and Proxy. And
I have a proprietary developed B2BUA over DUM.
 Now I have configured static routes in Repro saying that any request
apart from REGISTER comes just forward it to B2BUA. So it is fine till
now. Below is a small scenario the way things are working.
UA1 ----INVITE----> REPRO----INVITE---->B2BUA-----INVITE------>UA2
UA1 <----180---- REPRO<----180-----B2BUA-<----180--------UA2
UA1 <----200---- REPRO<----200-----B2BUA-<----200--------UA2
The above scenario is working fine as expected. But I am facing issues
in case of some failure scenarios, especially when UA2 or B2BUA responds
with some 4XX responses. What is happening is suppose when UA2 or B2BUA
responds with 480 Unsuccessful call or 486 Busy, Repro tries to place a
call on its own (without letting B2BUA in the path). It seems like Repro
does not believe in my B2BUA saying that user is busy. Below is the
scenario what is happening.
UA1 ----INVITE----> REPRO----INVITE---->B2BUA-----INVITE------>UA2
REPRO---------------------INVITE------------------>UA2 (Observe that
Repro is trying to place a call again without trusting the B2BUA. Also
it is not letting B2BUA be in the path even if static routes are
Please help me in figuring out what is happening? I fell that it is a
bug in Repro!!!!!
Thanks and Regards,
-Sandeep A
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