[reSIProcate] Replaces header
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Apr 23 13:31:29 CDT 2008
Ahhh, I see. I'll go ahead and patch that up I suppose.
Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Hi Byron
> OK thanks for your hint, accessing the params work just fine.
> Btw, I dont think you got my first comment. The Replaces header
> is defined with a reference to "RFC 3261", but the header is defined
> in RFC 3891 :)
> /alfred
> Byron Campen wrote:
>> You access the params just like you would on any other header.
>> The .value() refers only to the header field value itself, and not
>> any attached params.
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
>>> Hi
>>> resip/stack/SipMessage.hxx defines:
>>> defineHeader(Replaces, "Replaces", CallID, "RFC 3261");
>>> I think the "Replaces" header is defined in RFC 3891
>>> Also I am not able to fetch the whole value of the Replaces header,
>>> say a SIP message contains this header:
>>> Replaces: 425928 at bobster.example.org;to-tag=7743;from-tag=6472
>>> using the following code to extract the header:
>>> Data str = msg->header(h_Replaces).value();
>>> now "str" contains only "425928 at bobster.example.org" but the to/from
>>> tag is missing. looking at CallId.cxx it seems to terminate at
>>> the first
>>> semicolon:
>>> void
>>> CallID::parse(ParseBuffer& pb)
>>> {
>>> const char* start = pb.skipWhitespace();
>>> pb.skipToOneOf(ParseBuffer::Whitespace, Symbols::SEMI_COLON);
>>> pb.data(mValue, start);
>>> parseParameters(pb);
>>> }
>>> is this a bug, or is there another way of extracting the whole
>>> Replaces header value ?
>>> Thanks
>>> /alfred
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