[reSIProcate] Accept-Contact gives parse exception

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Apr 23 10:17:54 CDT 2008

	So, it looks like the various headers in 3841 have a completely  
different BNF than the Contact header, and using NameAddr to  
represent them is incorrect. First off, these headers always have a  
value of "*" (never a name-addr or addr-spec). Secondly, Contact  
headers with '*' cannot have params.

	I suppose it would be acceptable to represent these as a  
StringCategory (this would not ensure that the value was "*", but it  
seems that there isn't really any reason to care, since the value is  
meaningless anyhow).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I tried out the 1.3 version, and following header line (directly from
> RFC 3841) does not parse:
> Accept-Contact: *;mobility="mobile";methods="INVITE"
> The problem is probably that several headers use the NameAddress  
> without
> being strictly NameAddress, so we have different wildcard cases  
> with or
> without parameters.
> Björn A.
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