[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-users] Add RTP To Repository?

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Mon Apr 21 09:25:46 CDT 2008

Thanks for the pointer ¨C I will take a look when I get a chance ¨C however I suspect this library is no longer being developed.  I¡¯m not sure it really makes much sense to add it to the reciprocate SVN.  If we bring in a media stack at some later date, I think it should be one that is actively being developed and improved.




From: hongsion [mailto:hongsion at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 10:58 PM
To: Scott Godin; resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.or
Subject: Re: Re: [reSIProcate-users] Add RTP To Repository?


hi scott godin,

this is vovida's rtp library. would  you like to check if it's good to  add to resip repository?







·¢¼þÈË£º Scott Godin 

·¢ËÍʱ¼ä£º 2008-04-10  22:13:27 

ÊÕ¼þÈË£º D. S.; resiprocate-users at resiprocate.org 


Ö÷Ì⣺ Re: [reSIProcate-users] Add RTP To Repository? 

I would recommend looking at the sipX media stack ¨C www.sipfoundry.org






From: resiprocate-users-bounces at resiprocate.org [mailto:resiprocate-users-bounces at resiprocate.org] On Behalf Of D. S.
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 1:36 PM
To: resiprocate-users at resiprocate.org
Subject: [reSIProcate-users] Add RTP To Repository?


It appears that the Vovida web site is non-functional and there does not seem to be a Sourceforge project to host its source code.

Would you consider adding the Vovida RTP source code to the ReSiprocate repository for reference, not maintenance?

This would be in the spirit of the consistent Vovida license.

Or, do you know of any other RTP stack that is equally unencumbered and tested by many?


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