[reSIProcate] Problem in registrar functionality of DUM

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Apr 10 09:52:32 CDT 2008

	You aren't going to get callbacks on expiry. If you want to persist  
registrations, you need to subclass RegistrationPersistenceManager;  
this will also let you implement any expiration strategy you choose  
(delete on query, periodic cleanups of the database, set timers, etc).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi,
> I have written a basic REGISTRAR using DUM’s Registrar.cxx file.  
> The call backs that are available are “onAdd”, “onRefresh”,  
> “onQuery”, “onRemove” and “onRemoveAll”.
> For the registration to be persistent, I am storing the bindings in  
> a flat file.
>  I have observed an issue in the Registrar functionality (in the  
> file Registrar.cxx file). The problem description is as follows:
> Step 1: Register a soft phone with user name “alice” and with  
> expires value = 60 seconds.
> Step 2: Verify that the bindings of alice are stored in the flat file.
> Step 2: Don’t refresh the registration expiry value and wait till  
> 60 seconds for the registration to get expired explicitly.
> So my issue is, when the expiry value becomes 0 the call backs that  
> are mentioned in the Registrar.cxx file is not getting called, for  
> example, either “onRemove” or “onRemoveAll” is not getting called.  
> So even if Alice’s bindings got expired, they are still available  
> in my flat file.
> So is an additional call back is required in the Registrar.cxx of  
> DUM, to keep track of the expires timer? Or am I doing anything wrong?
> Please help me out.
> Thanks and Regards,
> -Sandeep A
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