[reSIProcate] Roadmap for 1.4?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Apr 8 12:52:20 CDT 2008

	I have been thinking, and I think the project would benefit with  
just a little more direction (nothing to heavy though). I have  
identified a small number of large-ish tasks that I think would be  
useful; I would like everyone (esp the users) to take the time to  
look them over and let us know which ones are most important to you.  
(If you feel that something important is missing from the list,  
please let us know also.)

* More efficient handling of large numbers of TCP connections (ie,  
the C10K problem)
* Complete update of supported headers/params
* More documentation
* UAS 100rel support (in DUM)
* client outbound support
* "Safety nets" for TUs
	**Timeout for server transactions if TU fails to respond within a  
certain time-frame (configurable)
	**Allow TUs to abandon uncompleted transactions easily

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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