[reSIProcate] Howto cancel a call to a not reachable client (without waiting for the timeout)

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Apr 3 08:22:07 CDT 2008

	Is Asterix never sending a provisional? It is supposed to after  
200ms (at the latest). If this is the case, you are forced to wait  
(although I have been mulling a modification to the stack that would  
allow a TU to say "I'm not interested in this transaction anymore.",  
and the stack would handle cleanup from then on).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi there,
> in my app I call end() from the aproriate AddDialogSet to terminate a
> call. That works very well when the other side has responded in any  
> way.
> So I can hangup existing calls and cancel outgoing calls which are not
> accepted by the other side.
> That does as well work even without being registered (as the
> asterisk-server permits that in my configuration at least).
> Now I face the problem that someone calls a physically not reachable
> client and is not registered. So resip does not get an address failure
> from the register-server but waits for a timeout. While waiting for  
> that
> timeout I cannot cancel the call with end(), but I need to wait for  
> the
> timeout to happen.
> Could anyone point me out what I should do in ths case?
> TIA & Greetings
> Johannes
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