[reSIProcate] ACK is getting generated by DUM
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Apr 2 07:23:24 CDT 2008
There are 2 invite sessions in this scenario. Each invite session is either
a ClientInviteSession or a ServerInviteSession, but never both. DUM will
not maintain any mapping between the two legs of a B2B call - that is your
applications responsibility. Once you are tracking the 2 InviteSessions as
belonging to the same B2BUA call, you can look up one from the other's
callbacks and call end appropriately on the correct invite session.
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org] On Behalf Of Sandeep
Sent: April 2, 2008 2:43 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] ACK is getting generated by DUM
I am implementing a B2BUA over DUM. I figured out that DUM is generating an
ACK when it gets a 200 OK (from the terminating user agent). But as per RFC
3261 the originating user agent must send the ACK. The problem I am facing
suppost the B2BUA/DUM generates an ACK and if the originating user agent
not send an ACK (within the timeout period), the call back
"onAckNotReceived(InviteSessionHandle)" will be called. The
provides me the way to end (send BYE) the originating User agent only. I
have a way to end the terminating user agent, who has already got the ACK
I also tried something like this"
InviteSessHandler::onAckNotReceived(InviteSessionHandle ish) {
InfoLog(<< "AckNotReceived : Invite Session");
//This will just end the originating UA
//Below is the procedure to end the terminating UA
ClientInviteSession *client_is = dynamic_cast
if(!(client_is)) {
CritLog( << "ClientInviteSession Not Found" << endl );
return ;
ClientInviteSessionHandle client_ish = client_is->getHandle();
But whenever I typecast InviteSessionHandle to ClientInviteSession, I get an
error message saying "ClientInviteSession Not Found".
Please help me how to get rid of the issue.
-Sandeep A
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