[reSIProcate] Maybe there have a bug with 1.3 RC1

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Mar 31 10:58:58 CDT 2008

	Wait, join() is not returning reliably? That is a real problem.  
Anyone have any ideas why this might be? (It's reliable on *nix  
systems.) Has anyone else observed join() not returning on Windows?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> seems mShutdownCondition.wait(mShutdownMutex, ms); always returned  
> false.
> (Why I do not using the join() ? Becaue in some case the join never  
> return. so I MUST need the detach after I waiting
> the thread a while0.
> Now I use these case for my UA, it's working fine.
> #include <WinSock2.h>
> #include <Windows.h>
> #include <string>
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> #include <rutil/ThreadIf.hxx>
> using namespace resip;
> #ifdef _DEBUG
> #pragma comment(lib, "../lib/RutilD.lib")
> #else
> #pragma comment(lib, "../lib/Rutil.lib")
> #endif
> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
> class MyThread : public ThreadIf
> {
> public:
>  MyThread() { mExit = false; };
>  ~MyThread() { mExit = false; };
>  void thread()
>  {
>   while(isShutdown() == false)
>   {
>    Sleep(5000);
>    cout << "Exit...." << endl;
>    mExit = true;
>   }
>  }
>  bool isExit() { return mExit; };
> private:
>  bool mExit;
> };
> int main()
> {
>  MyThread myThread;
>  myThread.run();
> Sleep(200);
>  myThread.shutdown();
>  DWORD counter = 0;
>  while (myThread.isExit() == false)
>  {
>   if (++counter >= 500)
>   {
>    break;
>   }
>   Sleep(20);
>  }
>  myThread.detach();
>  cout << "After detach." << endl;
>  return 0;
> }
> 2008/3/30, Karlsson <boost.regex at gmail.com>:
> Sorry for send again, the previous email is not clear:
> I think waitForShutdown(int ms) will be:
> bool
> ThreadIf::waitForShutdown(int ms) const
> {
>    Lock lock(mShutdownMutex);
>    return mShutdownCondition.wait(mShutdownMutex, ms);
> }
> I think the mShutdown just for isShutdown() only in thread(), we  
> never need check it in other areas.
> Then we can wirte these code for waiting a thread:
> int main()
> {
>  MyThread myThread;
>  myThread.run();
>  Sleep(100);
>  myThread.shutdown();
>  DWORD counter = 0;
>  while (myThread.waitForShutdown(20) == false)
>  {
>   if (++counter >= 500) // Waiting the thread 10 seconds.
>   {
>    break;
>   }
>  }
>  myThread.detach();
>  cout << "After detach." << endl;
>  return 0;
> }
> Or
> int main()
> {
>  MyThread myThread;
>  myThread.run();
>  Sleep(100);
>  myThread.shutdown();
>  while (myThread.waitForShutdown(200) == false)
>  {
>  }
>  myThread.detach();
>  cout << "After detach." << endl;
>  return 0;
> }
> 2008/3/30, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net>:
> Hmm. That thread isn't actually shut-down. ThreadIf::shutdown()  
> just sets a sentinel value that will only take effect the next time  
> the StackThread finishes cycling. The waitForShutdown() call used  
> to function simply as a sleep() call; the fact that it took a while  
> to return was the only thing allowing the cycle to complete before  
> everything went out of scope. mShutdown is set, but mShutdown is  
> just the sentinel value, and there is no guarantee whatsoever that  
> it is being honored. I'll think about this more in the morning.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> I'm using Visual C++ 8.0(Visual Studio 2005 with SP1 and SP1 for  
>> Vista Update), My OS is Vista+SP1.
>> complied My applications and reSIProcate with MT and MTd mode,  
>> others are using default settings.
>> Thanks
>> 2008/3/30, Alan Hawrylyshen <alan at polyphase.ca>:
>> On 29-Mar-08, at 20:05 , Karlsson wrote:
>> > Hi Alan, I'm sure, I use SVN to got all 1.3.0 source code to a new
>> > directory: reSIProcate13. The older reSIProcate in another
>> > directory: resiprocate122.
>> > I have complied the 1.3.0 RC1 completely, and My application linked
>> > these new header files and LIBs, I complied all reSIProcate module
>> > as MTd and MT .
>> > ...
>> I apologize if you have indicated this previously, but what platform
>> are you using, along with specific compiler and runtime library
>> details? (Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS) and what compiler, variant of
>> OS, etc...
>> Thanks,
>> Alan
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