[reSIProcate] Maybe there have a bug with 1.3 RC1

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Sat Mar 29 21:32:12 CDT 2008

On 29-Mar-08, at 13:11 , Karlsson wrote:

> I think the new ThreadIf class has problem. When I copy the ThreadIf  
> files of 1.2.2 to replaced the 1.3.0 RC1, then all are working fine.

Hi Karlsson;

I just want to ask one clarifying question:

Does the problem happen when you use 1.3 RC 1 and build from a  
completely clean copy of your source?
This implies recompiling ALL your application and ANY libraries that  
depend on reSIProcate in any way.
Because we do not have ABI protection in our shared libraries, it is  
possible that you are suffering from stale code generation that is  
using an older ABI.

One side effect of this is that you cannot use shared libraries from  
one version of reSIProcate to the next.

It is highly recommended that you completely recompile your  
application in whole if you swap resiprocate versions.

Please let us know if this affects your experiences at all.

Best wishes,

Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate guy-at-large

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