[reSIProcate] Incorrect pre-parsing SIP-ETag header
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Mar 26 12:34:42 CDT 2008
Yikes! This code is at fault:
Data etag = Random::getCryptoRandom(8);
while (mServerPublications.find(etag) !=
etag = Random::getCryptoRandom(8);
if (request.getContents())
ServerPublication* sp = new ServerPublication(*this, etag,
mServerPublications[etag] = sp;
Shoving raw binary into an etag header is bad. I suspect that _this_
is what was meant:
Data etag = Random::getCryptoRandomHex(8);
while (mServerPublications.find(etag) !=
etag = Random::getCryptoRandomHex(8);
if (request.getContents())
ServerPublication* sp = new ServerPublication(*this, etag,
mServerPublications[etag] = sp;
I will fix this right away.
Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Hi,
> As I see resiprocate does not parse SIP-ETag correctly
> (BTW it was generated by itself). For example attached
> 200 OK was generated by resiprocate's DUM but cannot
> be processed by resiprocate when it was received via
> UDP, error is:
> Scanner rejecting datagram as unparsable / fragmented
> As I see it happens when 0x0a symbol exists in this
> header because resiprocate correctly parses all other
> messages where SIP-ETag exists without this symbol...
> Any idea how to fix it? ;)
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