[reSIProcate] Character Set and Passwords

Aron Rosenberg arosenberg at sightspeed.com
Tue Mar 25 12:30:10 CDT 2008

This may not be the perfect place to ask this question, but it does
impact resiprocate...


Is there a standard character set used when passing in the User Password
for Digest Authentication? I checked RFC3261 and it mentions nothing
about it, nor does the RFC on HTTP Digest authentication?


Is it UTF8? Is it Latin1? Are only low order ASCII characters allowed?






Aron Rosenberg

Founder and CTO

SightSpeed - http://www.sightspeed.com/ <http://www.sightspeed.com/> 


918 Parker St, Suite A14

Berkeley, CA 94710


Email: arosenberg at sightspeed.com

Phone: 510-665-2920

Cell: 510-847-7389

Fax: 510-649-9569

SightSpeed Video Link: http://aron.sightspeed.com




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