[reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.3 release

Karlsson boost.regex at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 20:50:55 CDT 2008

Hi Byron, it's possible to adding a new fucntion for DialogSetId ?

+ size_t DialogSetId::hash2() const
+ {
+    return mCallId.hash();
+ }


DialogSetID is not same between onNewSession and onRefer

Hi, I want to use the DialogSetID to identifies a Dialog.

When I received a call, I do it:

void UserAgent::onNewSession(ServerInviteSessionHandle h,
InviteSession::OfferAnswerType oat, const SipMessage & msg)
 DialogSetId inviteID(msg);
 long callID = (long)inviteID.hash();

After I answered this call, the remote side send a REFER to me:

void UserAgent::onRefer(InviteSessionHandle h, ServerSubscriptionHandle ssh,
const SipMessage& msg)
 DialogSetId inviteID(msg);
 long callID = (long)inviteID.hash();

but these two callID do not same, the callID of onNewSession != callID of
the onRefer, did I missed something?



      The INVITE that you get will not have a local-tag (ie; a To-tag) in
it. This is part of the keying info in the DialogSetId. When you
respond to the INVITE, DUM will randomly choose a local-tag (the
remote end needs to choose part of the keying info because of
forking), and this local-tag will come back in the REFER, making the
DialogSetId different. Your best bet is to just use CallId + remote-
tag in this case (hash each, and xor the hashes, since that's what
DialogSetId does anyway).

Best regards,
Byron Campen



2008/3/22, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net>:
>        Here's the latest rundown:
> resip 1.3 open issues
> 2. [reSIProcate] DUM process loop crashes on TCP connection close
> initiated by peer (still not sure what was going on here)
> 3. [reSIProcate] outbound message decorators (maybe they're seeing
> multiple decorator calls on DNS failover?)
> 5. [reSIProcate] problem with local DNS server (not sure what's going
> on here)
> 6. [reSIProcate] Datatype Misalignment exception in resiprocate.lib
> on a PocketPC device (not sure what is going on here)
> 11. [reSIProcate] server subscription expires (doesn't look like
> patch was ever applied, following up with Scott)
> 13. [reSIProcate] Helper::advancedAuthenticateRequest() and old
> nonces (looks like there is community support for fixing this, put
> there is some pushback also)
> 14. [reSIProcate-users] get version of resip (should we have a
> function-call that indicates the version of the resip lib?)
> 16. Tons and tons of stuff in Ruslan's b-ruslan-repro-enh-20081116
> 17. Assert in ConnectionManager caused by reciprocal SYN.
> resolved:
> 1. [reSIProcate] Memory leak when using Asynch challenge decision
> (leak in ServerAuthManager, fixed in main)
> 4. [reSIProcate] Issue with contact URI of 200 OK for OPTIONS (don't
> think there is a problem here; contact without user-part is perfectly
> valid)
> 7. Need to fix sigcomp, or make it clear it isn't supported. (adam
> has recommended disabling support in the configure script for now,
> this has been done in main)
> 8. [reSIProcate] Privacy header parsing (have contacted Jon, will
> just have to wait on this)
> 9. [reSIProcate] Blacklist result to DNS lookup causes 503 response
> to be sent to ACK (fixed in main)
> 10. [reSIProcate] STUN Error (someone tripping on an assert in
> TransportSelector, fixed in main)
> 12. [reSIProcate] Missing #include <signal.h> in resip/stack/test/
> dumpTls.cxx (fixed in main)
> 15. [reSIProcate-users] help with resiprocate log (logging was ok
> after all, probably doesn't need anything)
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
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