[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-users] building repro----dns/AresDns

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Mar 21 10:25:33 CDT 2008

	Response inline...

> i have successfully built repro in fedora 8 and i had no problems  
> with dns/AresDns...
> i'm trying to build repro in debian but i get the following error...
> ../build/../rutil/obj.debug.Linux.i686/librutil.a(AresDns.o): In  
> function `resip ::AresDns::init 
> (std::vector<resip::GenericIPAddress, std::allocator<resip::Gener  
> icIPAddress> > const&, void (*)(int, int, char const*, int), int,  
> int, unsigned int)':
> dns/AresDns.cxx:43: undefined reference to `ares_capabilities'
> dns/AresDns.cxx:63: undefined reference to  
> `ares_init_options_with_socket_functi on'
> dns/AresDns.cxx:92: undefined reference to  
> `ares_init_options_with_socket_functi on'
> ../build/../rutil/obj.debug.Linux.i686/librutil.a(AresDns.o): In  
> function `~Ares Dns':
> dns/AresDns.cxx:126: undefined reference to  
> `ares_destroy_suppress_callbacks'
> dns/AresDns.cxx:126: undefined reference to  
> `ares_destroy_suppress_callbacks'
> dns/AresDns.cxx:126: undefined reference to  
> `ares_destroy_suppress_callbacks'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [bin.debug.Linux.i686/repro] Error 1
> rm obj.debug.Linux.i686/repro.o obj.debug.Linux.i686/repro.d
> debian:/home/abc/abc/resip/repro#
> i have installed packages "libares0" and "libares-dev"...

	I bet this is actually causing the problem. Resip uses its own  
hacked-up copy of ares (you'll find it in contrib), and linking  
against an installed copy of plain libares almost certainly won't work.

	I am posting this to resip-devel to ask the question; should we  
rename the libraries that our copy of ares generates to avoid this  
kind of linker error?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> but I still get the errors.....
> please help.....
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