[reSIProcate] Helper::advancedAuthenticateRequest() and old nonces
Björn Andersson
bjorn.v.andersson at ericsson.com
Wed Mar 12 11:31:25 CDT 2008
We have had this issue after a server crash, and one of our lab
terminals, I dont remember wich brand, tried periodically to re-register
with the credentials based on the stale nonce but was rejected every
time with 403 and never got registered again (until rebooted).
I think it is the correct behaviour to send a 401 with a fresh nonce if
the server isn't happy with the one in the request.
best regards
Björn Andersson
Alexander Altshuler wrote:
> Exactly - we may have infinity message flow:
> (Request with bad credential) <-> (401 with challenge)
> I don't see any use cases when 401 will help.
> Even if you use pool of proxies - you may share one nonce helper key
> among servers.
> But if somebody provides credential for YOUR domain/ip and it does not
> contain proper nonce - it should be rejected.
> Regards
> Alexander Altshuler
> http://xeepe.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen at estacado.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 5:38 PM
> To: Alexander Altshuler
> Cc: 'resiprocate-devel'
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Helper::advancedAuthenticateRequest() and old
> nonces
> This is certainly useful. Do you have an opinion on the 403 vs.
> 401
> issue though? It seems that sending a 403 buys us absolutely nothing,
> and hurts interop besides. I see no reason to continue doing it. I
> could maybe see sending a 403 if someone sends us credentials that
> are malformed, on the assumption that the endpoint is broken and we
> should just tell it to shut up. (This brings up the question of how
> we deal with endpoints that don't know when to quit sending us bad
> credentials.)
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