[reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.3 release

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Mar 11 13:11:58 CDT 2008

	Here's the rundown; everyone give this a look, and weigh in on the  
stuff you can (I realize that some might not have time this week  
because of IETF). In the meantime, I'll fix the bugs that are obvious.

resip 1.3 open issues

1. [reSIProcate] Memory leak when using Asynch challenge decision  
(leak in ServerAuthManager, testing a fix)
2. [reSIProcate] DUM process loop crashes on TCP connection close  
initiated by peer (still not sure what was going on here)
3. [reSIProcate] outbound message decorators (looks like the outbound  
decorators are decorating multiple times for stack-level  
retransmissions, needs a fix)
4. [reSIProcate] Issue with contact URI of 200 OK for OPTIONS (not  
sure there is a problem here; contact without user-part is perfectly  
5. [reSIProcate] problem with local DNS server (not sure what's going  
on here)
6. [reSIProcate] Datatype Misalignment exception in resiprocate.lib  
on a PocketPC device (not sure what is going on here)
7. Need to fix sigcomp, or make it clear it isn't supported.
8. [reSIProcate] Privacy header parsing (probably need to contact SIP  
to clarify what to do about this)
9. [reSIProcate] Blacklist result to DNS lookup causes 503 response  
to be sent to ACK (needs fix)
10. [reSIProcate] STUN Error (someone tripping on an assert in  
11. [reSIProcate] server subscription expires (doesn't look like  
patch was ever applied)
12. [reSIProcate] Missing #include <signal.h> in resip/stack/test/ 
dumpTls.cxx (needs fix)
13. [reSIProcate] Helper::advancedAuthenticateRequest() and old nonces
14. [reSIProcate-users] get version of resip (should we have a  
function-call that indicates the version of the resip lib?)
15. [reSIProcate-users] help with resiprocate log (bad logging in  
DialogSet, needs fix)
16. Tons and tons of stuff in Ruslan's b-ruslan-repro-enh-20081116
17. Assert in ConnectionManager caused by reciprocal SYN.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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