[reSIProcate] Does there have an easy way to parse "fmtp" ?

Karlsson boost.regex at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 03:59:44 CST 2008

Hi, I using this code to got the fmtp values.

 list<Data>::const_iterator fmtpIter =
 for (;
   if there have:
`a=fmtp:125 profile-level-id=42e015; max-br=4000; max-mbps=19800
`a=fmtp:115 QCIF=1 CIF=1 VGA=1 MAXBR=1960
`a=fmtp:34 QCIF=1 CIF=1 VGA=1 MAXBR=1960


How to got the 125, 115, 34 and QCIF, CIF, VGA, MAXBR and profile-level-id,
42e015 ?

Does Rutil or DUM, stack have an easy to parse these lines?

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