[reSIProcate] using ares wrappers outside sipstack

Justin Matthews jmatthewsr at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 13:46:34 CST 2008

So it looks like all of the ares wrappers and code are meant to run in a
single thread (SipStack thread).  Anyone know if there are any issues with
getting a reference to the resip::SipStack DnsStub via getDnsStub() and
using a custom DnsResultSink to process the results?  The processing would
then be done in the SipStack thread, the DnsStub::lookup() function looks
thread safe and can be called from a different thread? Anyone know of any
other issues with this approach?






From: Justin Matthews [mailto:jmatthewsr at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:18 PM
To: 'resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org'
Subject: using ares wrappers outside sipstack




It looks like if I wanted to use the ares wrappers (DnsStub, etc) outside of
the sipstack thread that there will be threading issues due to the use of
the static functions in RRCache used by DnsStub.  Is this correct? Anyone
familiar with the code know what kind of effort/pitfalls there would be in
making RRCache use non-static? 





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