[reSIProcate] Bug in ares

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Jan 11 10:04:23 CST 2008

	Excellent find guys! I'll be fixing this today, and cutting a new  
point-release (1.2.3).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi ims3g,
>> I wondered it was caused by alignment issue.
>> After change line
>> memset(newserv + (*nservers * sizeof(struct server_state)), '\0',
>> sizeof(struct server_state));
>> to
>> memset(&newserv[*nservers], '\0', sizeof(struct server_state));
>> The coredump seemed gone.
> Same here. I inspected the addresses of
> newserv + (*nservers * sizeof(struct server_state))
> and
> newserv[*nservers]
> while they are the same for the first nameserver they indeed differ  
> for
>   the second. So I agree to your assumption that alignment causes  
> the error.
> Greetings
> Johannes Dohmen
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