[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-users] Help With onOfferRequired

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Jan 3 14:10:54 CST 2008

	Cross-posting because this brings up a design question:

	I think you need to also call accept() at this point to get the  
offer to actually go out.

	To the devs, would it make sense to have a bool in InviteSession  
along the lines of mReadyToAccept that the app-writer could set to  
true if building an automaton UA, or set to false if building a UA  
that needs to wait for user interaction first?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi,
> I am getting Invites from a server with out offer (no
> sdp). I tried ish->provideOffer(*sdp) from
> onOfferRequired. No exception is thrown with this but
> nothing goes out of the stack. But if i try
> ish->reject(501), It is sending "Not Implemented"
> message back. Is there any thing i am missing? What
> would be the message sequence for Invites with out
> offer.
> Thanks
> Srinivas
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