[reSIProcate] How the UAC reacts to the 200OK(invite) prior to sending the PRACK for the 18x response?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Jan 2 09:48:50 CST 2008

	The PRACK needs to come in, and the UAS needs to be able to handle  
it (in this case, it doesn't need to do anything). However, I think  
you have a more serious problem here; the UAS shouldn't be sending  
the 200 until after it gets a PRACK for the 180. After all, part of  
the purpose of 100rel is to ensure that responses are delivered in  
the order that they are sent, and sending a 180 then 200 will  
sometimes cause the 200 to arrive before the 180.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi All,
> In my case, the UAC implementation is divided to 2 seperate  
> process, in which on is responsible for the SIP Statck, the other  
> is the Transaction User. When UAC receives the 180 Ringing message  
> without SDP, the Stack passes it to the transation user after the  
> parsing and the transaction processing. While then before the  
> Transaction User decides to build the PRACK messag for the 180, the  
> Stack receives the 200OK(invite) from the UAS. The stack then  
> passes this 200OK to the msg queue which is used to communicate  
> with Transaction User. Afterwards, the Stack got the PRACK message  
> from the Transaction User and start to build the PRACK message  
> which is to be sent back to UAS. Now, because the Dialog state is  
> already set as Confirmed, so, how should I handle this PRACK  
> message. Should I Consume the PRACK which is not so necessary to  
> UAS or still need to send it out?
> Alex Zhang
> Guangdong Nortel (GDNT) R&D Center
> GSM/UMTS Voice Core - MSC Design
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