[reSIProcate] what's the meaning about EventTaken....

cloud_l cloud_l at jads.com.cn
Thu Dec 21 19:11:33 CST 2006


In DumFeature.hxx, I see two enums.

 enum ProcessingResultMask
         EventDoneBit = 1 << 0,//1
         EventTakenBit = 1 << 1,//2
         FeatureDoneBit = 1 << 2,//4
         ChainDoneBit = 1 << 3//8

      //legal combinations
         enum ProcessingResult
         EventTaken = EventTakenBit,//2
         FeatureDone = FeatureDoneBit,//4
         FeatureDoneAndEventDone = FeatureDoneBit | EventDoneBit,//4+1=5
         FeatureDoneAndEventTaken = FeatureDoneBit | EventTakenBit,//4+2=6
         ChainDoneAndEventDone = ChainDoneBit | EventDoneBit,//8+1=9
         ChainDoneAndEventTaken = ChainDoneBit | EventTakenBit//8+2=10

but I don't known the real meanning about  the EventTaken, FeatureDone ,FeatureDoneAndEventDone..
I only known it may has some relation with Encryption and decryption.

I hope somebody can help me.

Best wishes!
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