[reSIProcate] exception when receiving 200 from re-invite requestwith modified to: tag

Justin Matthews jmatthewsr at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 09:23:44 CST 2006

Further on this issue, although the patch fixes the exception and drops the
200 for the case where dum was initially the UAS, this scenario will still
cause issues if dum was initially the UAC (since getLastRequest will contain
a valid contact).


Propose the following, please note that I am not sure that "mState ==
Established" is the correct check here, please advise.


In DialogSet.cxx:


if (dialog == 0)


      if (msg.isRequest() && msg.header(h_RequestLine).method() == CANCEL)






      if (msg.isResponse())


         int code = msg.header(h_StatusLine).statusCode();


             if( code > 100 && mState == Established )


                InfoLog(<< "Cannot create a dialog, mid-dialog fork not










From: Scott Godin [mailto:slgodin at icescape.com] 
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 10:50 AM
To: Justin Matthews; resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] exception when receiving 200 from re-invite
requestwith modified to: tag


That is pretty odd behaviour by the far end.  Mid-dialog forking is not
allowed (3261 sec 14.1).  If we detect a 200 with a different to tag and the
dialogset is a UAS dialogset (ie. no base creator) - then we should either:

1.  Ack the 200 and then send a bye.    or

2.  Just ignore the 200 - don't proceed to create a dialog for it - but log
an error.


I'm leaning towards 2.





From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org on behalf of Justin
Sent: Sat 12/9/2006 5:26 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] exception when receiving 200 from re-invite
requestwith modified to: tag

Exception occurs during following scenario:


DUM receives a call and establishes a session as the UAS.


DUM sends re-INVITE request


DUM receives 200 ok response with a different to: tag then the established


The dialogset is found, but dialogset.cxx tries to create a new dialog from
this 200 and calls the following code:


Dialog.cxx, in Dialog constructor:


mLocalContact = creator->getLastRequest()->header(h_Contacts).front();


I believe that getLastRequest does not contain a contact because this call
was established from an inbound session.


For now I just patched it this way, is there a better way?  If not I will
commit this. 


BaseCreator* creator = mDialogSet.getCreator();

//assert(creator);// !jf! throw or something here



if( NULL == creator )


ErrLog(<< "BaseCreator is null for DialogSet");

      ErrLog(<< response);

      throw Exception("BaseCreator is null for DialogSet", __FILE__,



SharedPtr<SipMessage> lastRequest(creator->getLastRequest());


if( NULL == lastRequest ||

      !lastRequest->exists(h_Contacts) ||



      ErrLog(<< "No contact available for dialogset's last request");

      ErrLog(<< response);

      throw Exception("No contact available for dialogset's last request",
__FILE__, __LINE__);


mLocalContact = creator->getLastRequest()->header(h_Contacts).front();

mRemoteTarget = contact;






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