[reSIProcate] exception when receiving 200 from re-invite request with modified to: tag

Justin Matthews jmatthewsr at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 16:26:38 CST 2006

Exception occurs during following scenario:


DUM receives a call and establishes a session as the UAS.


DUM sends re-INVITE request


DUM receives 200 ok response with a different to: tag then the established


The dialogset is found, but dialogset.cxx tries to create a new dialog from
this 200 and calls the following code:


Dialog.cxx, in Dialog constructor:


mLocalContact = creator->getLastRequest()->header(h_Contacts).front();


I believe that getLastRequest does not contain a contact because this call
was established from an inbound session.


For now I just patched it this way, is there a better way?  If not I will
commit this. 


BaseCreator* creator = mDialogSet.getCreator();

//assert(creator);// !jf! throw or something here



if( NULL == creator )


ErrLog(<< "BaseCreator is null for DialogSet");

      ErrLog(<< response);

      throw Exception("BaseCreator is null for DialogSet", __FILE__,



SharedPtr<SipMessage> lastRequest(creator->getLastRequest());


if( NULL == lastRequest ||

      !lastRequest->exists(h_Contacts) ||



      ErrLog(<< "No contact available for dialogset's last request");

      ErrLog(<< response);

      throw Exception("No contact available for dialogset's last request",
__FILE__, __LINE__);


mLocalContact = creator->getLastRequest()->header(h_Contacts).front();

mRemoteTarget = contact;






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