[reSIProcate] DNS not returning entries after 408?

Byron Campen docfaraday at mac.com
Thu Dec 7 13:01:17 CST 2006

	This is happening because the stack is blacklisting the tuple that  
your server was running on, because it didn't respond. This blacklist  
(currently) lasts 32s. I was thinking about making this duration  
configurable. Does anyone want to have a discussion about whether  
blacklisting on a UDP timeout is something we want to be doing? It  
seems to me that we might need to have a concept of "greylisting",  
where greylisted tuples will only be used if they are all that  
remains to be tried. (This is opposed to a blacklisted tuple, which  
we should never try, since chances are we have been explicitly told,  
with a 503, to leave the tuple alone for a while.) Any thoughts?  

Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Hi,
> I’m using the latest code from SVN (updated today), and I’ve  
> encountered an issue with DNS in the following case:
> Client                                          Registrar
>       REGISTER (due to user login)------------->
>       <---------------------------------- 200 OK
> (at this point the Registrar becomes unavailable – its IP is still  
> reachable, but nothing is listening on UDP port 5060)
>       re-REGISTER (due to Expires timer)------->
> (~ 30 seconds go by and then I get a 408 from DUM)
> (client sits idle for ~ 30 seconds more)
>       REGISTER -------------------------------->
> (Get a 503 Service Unavailable immediately from DUM)
> (sit idle for any amount of time)
>       REGISTER -------------------------------->
>       <---------------------------------- 200 OK
> My client is set up to use only UDP as a transport.  I’m using  
> DUM.  I’ve looked at the logs, and it seems the reason I’m getting  
> the 503 is that there aren’t any DNS entries for my registrar: “Ran  
> out of dns entries for Send 503”.  But this doesn’t  
> make sense, as there definitely should be entries (and since I can  
> register if I try once again after I get the 503).
> If I go back to an older revision (6609 which is from back in  
> September), I don’t have this issue – i.e. I don’t get the 503, my  
> last REGISTER actually goes out on the wire and I get my expected  
> 200 OK.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
>  - Jeremy -
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