[reSIProcate] when to use setForceTarget

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Wed Dec 6 01:54:41 CST 2006

On 2006.12.05, at 13:21 , Brocha Strous wrote:

> When implementing a proxy when should this function be used and when
> should it not be used? Why would you add a target and then not use it?
> What will determine how a request is forwarded if you don't have
> ForceTarget set? Can someone please explain what this mechanism is for
> and how it works?

In general you never need to use this. It is provided for some very  
specific applications that are attempting backwards compatibility or  
doing something very specific with request routing. In general, to  
route your request, just push a Route header into the request.


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