[reSIProcate] What is status of first InviteSessionHandle if onNewSession(ClientInviteSessionHandle) fires a second time?

Kobi Eshun kobi at sightspeed.com
Wed Nov 29 12:20:10 CST 2006


Please consider the following scenario:

	- my reSIP app sends out INVITE, and receives a 18x response that  
has no To tag
	- onNewSession(ClientInviteSessionHandle cis, ...) UAC callback fires
	- my app caches CIS, and also caches InviteSessionHandle learned via  
	- my app receives 200 response with a To tag
	- onNewSession() fires again with different  ClientInviteSession and  
InviteSession handles.

Leaving aside for the moment  the question of whether the far-end  
behavior is 3261 compliant:

	Q1 - what should my app do with the first set of handles - are they  
simply obsoleted?
	Q2 - Is it an error to continue using them?
	Q3 - How do they get cleaned up?

Kobi Eshun
Senior Architect, SightSpeed, Inc.
918 Parker Street, Suite A14
Berkeley, CA 94710
+1.415.713.8431 (m)
+1.510.649.9569 (f)
kobi at sightspeed.com

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