[reSIProcate] some questions

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Mon Nov 27 22:22:34 CST 2006

On Nov 27, 2006, at 13.32, heather jiang wrote:

> Hi, I am a new member and have some questions about distribution of  
> the open source code like reSIProcate and its rfc support, you  
> information is much appreciated:
> 1. Is it free to use the source code inside a business/commercial  
> product?
> 2. If there is a need to modify the code to meet specific  
> requirement, is it required that all modification been registered  
> at the open source distributor, such as sipfoundry?
> 3. Is it allowed to be used in a product ?
> 4.Does reSIProcate support rfc 3903 and rfc 3863?


Some comments

1 - you may use reSIProcate in commercial products, subject to the  
conditions of the license, clearly indicated in all source code files  
at the end of the file.
2 - you can read more about this within the license, but the short  
answer is 'no'.
3 - Yes
4 - there is support for arbitrary event packages, but presence is  
supported in some sample clients. The stack itself fully supports the  
transaction model required for PUBLiSH and there is a pidf parser in  
the utilities directories.

For full, complete answers to these questions - you should consult  
legal counsel and bring them the VOCAL license contained in the  
reSIProcate distribution. The answers above are only my opinion.


Alan Hawrylyshen
Maintainer, reSIProcate project.

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