[reSIProcate] Explanation of Statistics summary

Philip Kizer pckizer at nostrum.com
Tue Nov 21 10:00:34 CST 2006

On 2006, Nov 21, at 09:37, Kovar, William ((Bill)) wrote:
> Can someone point me to where I can learn about what all of the  
> statistics acronyms means in the statistics summary that gets  
> generated every 60 seconds?? Some are obvious, some are not....
> WARNING | 20061121-095935.265 | SipSwitch | RESIP:STATS | 3172 |  
> StatisticsMessage.cxx:152 | RESIP:TRANSACTION

Did you try and look at the file:


[here's a handy link if you don't have the file handy:

around line #152?  If not, please check that out...are any of them  
still unclear after looking at the variable names used in logStats?


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