[reSIProcate] build error on Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 3

Alfred E. Heggestad aeh at db.org
Tue Nov 21 08:20:30 CST 2006


when building resiprocate-1.0 on RHEL 3 I get the following error:

Linux.i686/OpenSSLInit.o OpenSSLInit.cxx
In file included from /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h:179,
                  from OpenSSLInit.cxx:12:
/usr/include/openssl/kssl.h:72:18: krb5.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h:179,
                  from OpenSSLInit.cxx:12:
/usr/include/openssl/kssl.h:134: 'krb5_enctype' is used as a type, but is not
    defined as a type.

on this system the krb5.h header file is located in /usr/kerberos/include,
which is missing from gcc include paths. on other systems, like debian,
the krb5.h is in /usr/include..

this simple patch fixes the problem, but I am sure there are more
elegant solutions to the issue:

Index: build/Makefile.post
--- build/Makefile.post (revision 6820)
+++ build/Makefile.post (working copy)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
         touch .dependlibs

  RELEASE = $(patsubst %/build,%/release, $(BUILD))
-INCLUDE_LIST = $(foreach dir,$(INCDIRS),-I$(dir))
+INCLUDE_LIST = $(foreach dir,$(INCDIRS),-I$(dir)) -I/usr/kerberos/include
  DEFINE_LIST = $(foreach dir,$(DEFINES),-D$(dir))


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