[reSIProcate] Access Violation in Data.cxx

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Nov 16 16:25:27 CST 2006

	So ApiCheckList didn't complain about anything? Hmm. I would ask  
what version of Visual Studio or .NET you're using, but frankly I  
know very little about working with resip on Windows. Scott Godin  
might have a better idea of what you're dealing with here. The  
members of the Data seem ok; is this from a crash?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Including ApiCheckList.hxx didn’t help – same problem.
> I’ve attached a screen shot showing the QuickWatch of the tid  
> variable at TransActionMap::add
> I’m not 100% sure any more that reverting 6504 completely fixes the  
> problem (though it does seem to make it happen a lot less  
> frequently)…  I.e. I’ve experienced a crash with that revision  
> reverted, but unfortunately I wasn’t attached to the debugger so  
> I’m not sure it was the same crash.
> From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen at estacado.net]
> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:26 PM
> To: Jeremy Geras
> Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Access Violation in Data.cxx
>             Ok, after looking at the stack trace in your mail, it  
> appears that stuff is hosed well before we get into Data::rawHash()  
> (unless 0xfeeefeee is a valid pointer, and you have a transaction  
> id that is 427075694 characters long, both of which are doubtful).  
> It is possible you're running into one of the known API/ABI  
> mismatch issues that pop up when you compile against the resip  
> headers with different flags than the libs were compiled with. Try  
> including resip/stack/ApiCheckList.hxx in whatever app you're  
> building, and see if anything pops up. If that doesn't solve  
> anything, let's have a closer look at what state the members of  
> that Data are in when things go south.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
> Hi,
> I’m using the latest revision from the SVN head, and I’ve got an  
> access violation occurring consistently in Data.cxx.  I’ve attached  
> a screen shot of the debugger at the point of the crash.
> All I do to generate the crash is make/answer/hang up a few calls.
> As you’ll see in the screen shot, I’m using Windows.  I’m also  
> using DUM.
> I didn’t have this problem until I updated a day or so ago…  I  
> think prior to this update I was using a pretty old revision  
> (probably from late August).
> From the svn log it looks like there were some signed/unsigned  
> changes to the hash stuff in Data…  wonder if that could be the cause?
> Thanks,
>  - Jeremy -
> <resip_crash.PNG>
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> <tid_quickwatch.PNG>

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