[reSIProcate] Use of reSiprocate

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Nov 14 11:00:29 CST 2006

	We have expended considerable effort searching for and plugging  
memory leaks in the stack. We currently do not know of any leaks in  
the stack. I am not an authority on DUM, but Scott has done a lot of  
leak-hunting, and he does know DUM, so I imagine it is pretty tight  
there too. I have recently done some work on repro to tighten it up.

	As for allocation sizes, there may be some cases where small things  
are heap-allocated, but I have experimented with bulk allocation of  
some of the commonly used small(ish) objects, and I saw no  
performance gain. The modern malloc libraries seem to cope with/ 
prevent memory fragmentation pretty well (at least on linux/OS X).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Can anyone tell me if the reSiprocate stack has memory leaks?  I  
> just want
> to know this before I decide on using it.
> Also, what is the smallest size memory block it will allocate?  A  
> lot of
> small allocations/deallocations can fragment memory and slow  
> performance.
> Thanks...
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