[reSIProcate] ACK Challange issue

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Nov 13 07:49:58 CST 2006

	As far as I know, neither DUM nor repro challenges ACK. What  
revision are you working with? If you are working with release 0.9.0,  
be advised that 1.0.1 is out.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Why reSIProcate challanges ACK...?
> And when then challanged is dispached by DUM it is cancelled by TU.  
> This
> leads to inconsisten state. Server and client give and take lots of  
> 200OK
> and ACK. But as the Challanged ACK din't reached the client it does  
> not
> respond with credentials. And thus it is not precessed by DUM.
> Can anyone tell me Solution to this....?
> Regards,
> Roger.
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