[reSIProcate] Basic compile help

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Nov 9 08:08:56 CST 2006

	Looks like you're missing a -lrutil in your LDLIBS. (rutil is the  
resip utility library; lots of basic helper stuff that is not  
directly related to SIP)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I installed resiprocate-1.0 and have run, runtests.sh, testClient  
> and testServer
> successfully.
> Now Im attempting to compile testClient on my own working directory  
> and using my
> own makefile so that I can start testing and modifying that code  
> and work my way
> from there.
> However when I try to compile I get several errors similar to this:
> testClient.cxx:106: undefined reference to 'resip::Log::toLevel 
> (resip::Data const&)'
> My makefile looks like this:
> CC = g++
> LD = g++
> RESIP_DIR = /usr/lib/resiprocate-1.0
> CCFLAGS = -g -Wall -march=i686 \
>           -DUSE_ARES \
>           -I$(RESIP_DIR) \
>           -I$(RESIP_DIR)/lib.debug.Linux.i686 \
>           -I$(RESIP_DIR)/contrib/ares
> OBJS = testClient.o TestSupport.o
> TARGET = testC1
> LDFLAGS = -L$(RESIP_DIR)/resip/stack/obj.debug.Linux.i686 \
>           -L$(RESIP_DIR)/rutil/obj.debug.Linux.i686 \
>           -L$(RESIP_DIR)/contrib/ares
> LDLIBS = -lresip -lssl -lcrypto -lares -lpthread -lpopt
> all: $(TARGET)
> %.o: %.cxx
>      $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -c -o $@ $<
> $(TARGET): $(OBJS)
>      $(LD) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
> ================================
> I believe I must be making some silly mistake but I can't find it.  
> I have looked
> to the readme file in the resip directory and the wiki  
> documentation but did not
> find a solution.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Victor M.
> -- 
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