[reSIProcate] reSIP Process model

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Nov 7 07:53:25 CST 2006

	The stack itself is a single thread. Each TransactionUser (TU) can  
also be a separate thread. DUM is an example of a TU, repro is  
another example (see Proxy.[hc]xx).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi,
> I am going through the reSIProcate code. I have a doubt about the  
> stacks process model.
> The wiki pages say that the FIFOs in reSIP are used to communicate  
> between threads; however, I could not find any thread other than  
> SipThread within reSIP.
> Am I missing something here? Can someone help let me know about the  
> process or thread model of reSIP?
> Thanks,
> Rishin
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