[reSIProcate] crash after receiving invalid Via line

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Nov 3 15:18:01 CST 2006

	Actually, this will break certain header types. An empty HFV has  
meaning in some cases that is distinct from the header not being  
present. The code at fault is the following:

const Data&
SipMessage::getRFC2543TransactionId() const
    if(!( exists(h_Vias) && header(h_Vias).front().exists(p_branch) &&
          header(h_Vias).front().param(p_branch).hasMagicCookie() ) )
       if (mRFC2543TransactionId.empty())
    return mRFC2543TransactionId;

This needs to read as follows:
const Data&
SipMessage::getRFC2543TransactionId() const
    if(!( exists(h_Vias) && !header(h_Vias).empty() && header 
(h_Vias).front().exists(p_branch) &&
          header(h_Vias).front().param(p_branch).hasMagicCookie() ) )
       if (mRFC2543TransactionId.empty())
    return mRFC2543TransactionId;


Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Further detail & possible fix:
> bool
> SipMessage::exists(const HeaderBase& headerType) const
> {
> //patch for crash if Via does not contain a body:
> 	HeaderFieldValueList *hfvl = mHeaders[headerType.getTypeNum()];
>    return (hfvl!= 0) && (!hfvl->empty()) ;
> };
> It looks like with the above patch the following code is now called:
> Transport::basicCheck(const SipMessage& msg)
> {
>    resip::Data reason;
>    if (msg.isExternal())
>    {
>       try
>       {
>          if (!Helper::validateMessage(msg,&reason))
>          {
>             InfoLog(<<"Message Failed basicCheck :" << msg.brief());
> And when the response is set to the wire an assertion is called:
> TransactionState:1666:
> assert(sip->exists(h_Vias));
> Will this patch work ok?
> Thanks,
> -Justin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Matthews [mailto:jmatthewsr at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 3:39 PM
> To: 'resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org'
> Subject: crash after receiving invalid Via line
> The stack is crashing when receiving a request with a via line  
> equal to
> "Via: ".  The actual crash occurs in SipMessage.cxx:435,
> SipMessage::getRFC2543TransactionId, when accessing the via  
> header.  The
> header exists in the mheaders container of the SipMessage, but it  
> does not
> contain any values, so the front() call on line 435 fails.
> Can some initial checking be done in the MsgHeaderScanner.cxx,
> processMsgHeaderStatusLine() to drop this message?
> Thanks,
> -Justin
> Example request:
> CANCEL sip:dest at SIP/2.0
> Via:
> From: "12345" <sip:12345 at>
> To: <sip:dest at>
> Call-ID: D71644F5-560F-44BE-AB36-F5FF7790A349 at
> Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 23:01:23 GMT
> CSeq: 0 CANCEL
> Contact: <sip:12345 at>
> Content-Length: 0
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