[reSIProcate] DUM challenging ACKs

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Fri Nov 3 03:00:29 CST 2006

Parag wrote:

>DUM challenging ACKs, is any fix for this issue in latest lode?
I'm pretty sure the later versions don't have this problem - can you 
please try the version from SVN?

However, if you submit an ACK with credentials, the credentials must be 
valid.  If no credentials are present in the packet, then it shouldn't 
be challenged.

>- Currently I have added checks in ServerAuthManager::handle()
>  //InfoLog( << "trying to do auth" );
>   if (sipMsg.isRequest() && 
>       sipMsg.header(h_RequestLine).method() != ACK && 
>       sipMsg.header(h_RequestLine).method() != CANCEL)
>   {
>	//
>   }
>Is it ok...? or required more efforts?
>- I am using reSIProcate.9.0-5019.
>Thanks in advance.
>Parag Patel
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>resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org

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