[reSIProcate] Registration problem

Nicolas LEGROS Nicolas.LEGROS at teleca.fr
Tue Oct 31 04:19:03 CST 2006

Hi !


I don't understand the REGISTER's message building.

The MakeRegistration method will call the RegistrationCreator.

The RegistrationCreator will call the following request
seCreator.html#b0> (target, target, REGISTER);
This method will build the Register message...consequently if target =
alice at teleca.fr, 
then the "To-header" will be alice at teleca.fr , the "from-header" will be
alice at teleca.fr and the "request Line" will be alice at teleca.fr!!
How can I build a REGISTER message in which the "request line" is
registrar.teleca.fr and a "To" and "From" Header alice at teleca.fr?
See the example below... 


REGISTER sip:registrar.teleca.fr SIP/2.0

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP alicepc.teleca.fr:5060;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7

Max-Forwards: 70

To: Alice <sip:alice at teleca.fr>

From: Alice <sip:alice at teleca.fr>;tag=456248

Call-ID: 843817637684230 at 998sdasdh09


Contact: <sip:alice at>

Expires: 7200

Content-Length: 0


Thanks by advance...

Nicolas L.


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