[reSIProcate] How to get bodydata from NOTIFY/sipfrag message

Wenwei Xu wxu at cliquecom.com
Tue Oct 24 10:07:40 CDT 2006

Greetings all,


I'm trying to implement the call transfer feature using the REFER method.
The REFER receiver will send the NOTIFY message back to the REFER sender.
What is the code example for the REFER sender to get the body data from the
NOTIFY message? 



This is what I have so far:


void CSClientSubscriptionHandler::onUpdateActive(ClientSubscriptionHandle
handle, const SipMessage& notify)



  Contents *content = notify.getContents();

  SipFrag *sc = dynamic_cast<SipFrag *>(content);


  Data bodyData = content->getBodyData(); //This method is not implemented
in the current Content.cxx,

                                          //so I will get a assert failure
in the running time.

                                          //Shall I implement this function
myself? And how?

                                          //Or is there any other method?

                                          //I need this information to
determine if the call has

                                          // be successfully transferred.





W. Xu

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