[reSIProcate] Appliction Specific TCP Socket
Ali Pey
alipey at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 12:27:51 CDT 2006
Hi Shen,
Thank you for your email.
The thing is I don't need the TCP transport for sip messages. I need this to
send and receive my specific messages not sip or any other protocol.
For instance I need to send a command over TCP to another application and it
looks like this:
struct command
int msgId;
int srcApp;
int destApp;
int command;
How would I send and receive this over a TCP socket?
I'm trying to do this for interprocess communication that would work for
different platforms. Is there a better way for interprocess communication
that is platform independent?
On 10/18/06, shen jinti <jinti.shen at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi Ali,
> resip can use TCP transport.
> you can try it,
> SipStack stackUac;
> DialogUsageManager* dumUac = new DialogUsageManager(stackUac);
> dumUac->addTransport(TCP, 12005);
> that mean you will listen a tcp port with 12005. and can send tcp
> package to you machine with tcp 12005 for somebody.
> sincerely,
> jinti
> 2006/10/18, Ali Pey < alipey at gmail.com>:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I need to add a TCP Socket to resiprocate/dum to be used solely for
> > application specific messaging. Basically I need to send and receive TCP
> > packets for some internal app to app communication.
> >
> > Can someone shed some light on what I need to do?
> >
> > Is there an easy way to do this with DUM?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ali
> >
> >
> >
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