[reSIProcate] memoru allocation & garbage collection

Nicolas LEGROS Nicolas.LEGROS at teleca.fr
Wed Oct 11 03:49:21 CDT 2006

Here's an example of an application running over DUM:

resip::SharedPtr<resip::UserProfile> profile(new resip::UserProfile()); 
    Data caller("sip:456 at");
    SharedPtr<SipMessage> inv = mDum.makeInviteSession(NameAddr(callee),
        profile,&sdpContent, new AppDialogSet(*dumUac)); 

My question is concerning memory allocation and garbage collection.
In the example (see above), the application makes 2 memories allocation:
- new UserProfile()
- new AppDialogSet(*dumUac)

When the call will end, who will free this memory: DUM, Resiprocate
stack, the application?
Thanks by advance
Nicolas L.

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