[reSIProcate] How to create BYE when acting as a UAS (mahboob at renintech.com)

Saurabh Nirkhey saurabh at phonologies.com
Sun Oct 8 05:20:44 CDT 2006


     I am getting a problem in creating BYE Request when acting as a
UserAgentServer. I am trying to create dialog after sending ok
response but i am unable to create even dialog also but when i am
acting as a UAC i am able to send BYE request successfully but
problem occurs while acting like UAS.

     Any suggestions and sample code would be appreciated. Looking forward
for your solution
did you have a look at the hangup function for TestUas/TestUac class.I think you can use it.

With Regards,

Saurabh Nirkhey
Systems Software Engineer
saurabh at Phonologies.com

Phonologies (India) Private Limited
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Today's Topics:

   1. How to create BYE when acting as a UAS (mahboob at renintech.com)
   2. 300 - Multiple Choices (Nicolas LEGROS)
   3. Re: 300 - Multiple Choices (Scott Godin)

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