[reSIProcate] Problem with integrating QT Screen with Sip Program

mahboob at renintech.com mahboob at renintech.com
Wed Sep 27 02:18:23 CDT 2006


        I have two programs one is the SIP UserAgent.cpp program using
Resiprocate stack and one is the SoftPhone.cpp program using QT.
But i have a problem while integrating the two programs. what i
want is whenever i start it should start both the programs and the
SoftPhone program should have access to UserAgent object so that
when i press a button it should call some method in UserAgent

        I could able to do that using fork() method but it is creating two
different processes and they do not share common global variables
here i could also able to access the methods of UserAgent class
but because of a seperate process every variable is a new variable
without with new value. What i want is a Thread like program which
can start both the classes and both objects should also share the
common global variables and memory of one another.

        I dont have any problem with signals and slots or anything but i
need a program like Thread which can help me in achieving my

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