[reSIProcate] building shared libraries on AMD64

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Sep 22 16:49:30 CDT 2006

	Ok, the problem seems to be that, when we convince the build system  
to start compiling object files with -fPIC, there seems to be no way  
to convince it to NOT use -fPIC when compiling an object file for an  
executable. (The build system builds all *.o in exactly the same  
manner) Compiling the object file for an executable with -fPIC just  
doesn't work. It looks to me like fixing this will require invasive  
changes to the build system, and I don't think this will be  
manageable by the RC4 drop in the next 20 minutes or so.

	Jason, do you have any ideas?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> 	This slightly beefier patch seems to be working so far for me.
> Index: build/Makefile.post
> ===================================================================
> --- build/Makefile.post (revision 6598)
> +++ build/Makefile.post (working copy)
> @@ -83,7 +83,13 @@
> DEPEND_TARGETS += $(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES), $($(pkg)_TARGETS))
> ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS),yes)
> +
> +ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)
> +.dependlibs: $(patsubst %.a,%.dylib,$(DEPEND_FILES))
> +else
> .dependlibs: $(patsubst %.a,%.so,$(DEPEND_FILES))
> +endif
> +
> else
> .dependlibs: $(DEPEND_FILES)
> endif
> @@ -111,7 +117,12 @@
> HWOBJS = $(patsubst %.cpp,$(OBJ)/%.o,$(patsubst %.c,$(OBJ)/%.o,$ 
> (patsubst %.cxx,$(OBJ)/%.o,$(HWSRC))))
> DEPENDENCIES = $(patsubst %.cpp,$(OBJ)/%.d,$(patsubst %.c,$(OBJ)/ 
> %.d,$(patsubst %.cxx,$(OBJ)/%.d,$(ALLSRC))))
> +ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)
> +SHARED_LIB = $(patsubst %,$(OBJ)/%.dylib,$(strip $(TARGET_LIBRARY)))
> +else
> SHARED_LIB = $(patsubst %,$(OBJ)/%.so,$(strip $(TARGET_LIBRARY)))
> +endif
> +
> STATIC_LIB = $(patsubst %,$(OBJ)/%.a,$(strip $(TARGET_LIBRARY)))
> ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS),yes)
> @@ -293,6 +304,12 @@
>         $(MKSHLIB) -o $@ $^
>         -@ mkdir -p $(ROOT)/lib.$(TARGET_NAME)
>         @ test -h $(ROOT)/lib.$(TARGET_NAME)/$(strip $ 
> (TARGET_LIBRARY)).so || ln -s $(shell pwd)/$@ $(ROOT)/lib.$ 
> +
> +$(OBJ)/$(strip $(TARGET_LIBRARY)).dylib: $(OBJS) $(OTHERLIBS)
> +       -@ test -f $@ && /bin/rm $@
> +       $(MKSHLIB) -o $@ $^
> +       -@ mkdir -p $(ROOT)/lib.$(TARGET_NAME)
> +       @ test -h $(ROOT)/lib.$(TARGET_NAME)/$(strip $ 
> (TARGET_LIBRARY)).dylib || ln -s $(shell pwd)/$@ $(ROOT)/lib.$ 
> endif
> Index: build/Makefile.tools
> ===================================================================
> --- build/Makefile.tools        (revision 6598)
> +++ build/Makefile.tools        (working copy)
> @@ -31,7 +31,14 @@
> CC             = gcc
> CXX            = g++
> -MKSHLIB                := $(CC) -fPIC -shared
> +
> +ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)
> +MKSHLIB                := $(CC) -fPIC -flat_namespace -undefined  
> suppress -dynamic -dynamic-lib
> +LDFLAGS += -flat_namespace
> +else
> +MKSHLIB                := $(CC) -fPIC -shared
> +endif
> +
> DEP            := $(CXX)
> LINKER         := $(CXX)
> RANLIB         = ranlib
> @@ -43,6 +50,12 @@
> LNDIR          = $(shell pwd)/$(ROOT)/build/lndir.sh
> CFLAGS         += -Wall
> CXXFLAGS       += -Wall
> +
> +ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS),yes)
> +CFLAGS   += -fPIC
> +endif
> +
> DEBUG_FLAG     = -g
> COMPILE_SMALL_FLAG = -Os -fno-inline -fno-keep-static-consts
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> 	Well, this appears to break the shared library build on OS X.  
>> (Missing libstdc++ symbols) I am trying to fix this. (This will  
>> require .dylib support from the build system)
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
>>> 	Hrm, looks like the object files need to be compiled with -fPIC  
>>> too. I will try the following slightly different patch:
>>> Index: build/Makefile.tools
>>> ===================================================================
>>> --- build/Makefile.tools        (revision 6598)
>>> +++ build/Makefile.tools        (working copy)
>>> @@ -43,6 +43,12 @@
>>> LNDIR          = $(shell pwd)/$(ROOT)/build/lndir.sh
>>> CFLAGS         += -Wall
>>> CXXFLAGS       += -Wall
>>> +
>>> +ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS),yes)
>>> +CFLAGS   += -fPIC
>>> +CXXFLAGS += -fPIC
>>> +endif
>>> +
>>> DEBUG_FLAG     = -g
>>> COMPILE_SMALL_FLAG = -Os -fno-inline -fno-keep-static-consts
>>> Best regards,
>>> Byron Campen
>>>> hi Byron
>>>> here is the error when building rutil shared:
>>>> gcc -fPIC -shared  -o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/librutil.so  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/AbstractFifo.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> BaseException.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Coders.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Condition.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> CountStream.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Data.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/DataStream.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> DnsUtil.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/FileSystem.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/HeapInstanceCounter.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Lock.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Log.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Logger.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> MD5Stream.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Mutex.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/OpenSSLInit.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> ParseBuffer.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Poll.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/RWMutex.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Random.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/RecursiveMutex.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> SelectInterruptor.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/SHA1Stream.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Socket.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> Subsystem.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/SysLogBuf.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/SysLogStream.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> ThreadIf.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/Timer.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> vmd5.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/AresDns.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/DnsAAAARecord.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/DnsCnameRecord.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/DnsHostRecord.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/DnsNaptrRecord.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/DnsSrvRecord.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> dns/DnsStub.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/ExternalDnsFactory.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/RRCache.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/ 
>>>> RRList.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/RRVip.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/dns/QueryTypes.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/ 
>>>> dns/RROverlay.o obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/stun/Stun.o  
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/stun/Udp.o
>>>> /usr/bin/ld: obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/AbstractFifo.o: relocation  
>>>> R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making  
>>>> a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/AbstractFifo.o: could not read symbols:  
>>>> Bad value
>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>> make: *** [obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/librutil.so] Error 1
>>>> the system is Ubuntu 6.06 AMD64, g++ v4.0.3
>>>> my fix was to add the -fPIC compile flag:
>>>> (you should verify if this is correct)
>>>> --- build/Makefile.tools        (revision 6599)
>>>> +++ build/Makefile.tools        (working copy)
>>>> @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
>>>>  DMANGLE                =
>>>>  INSTALL                = install
>>>>  LNDIR          = $(shell pwd)/$(ROOT)/build/lndir.sh
>>>> -CFLAGS         += -Wall
>>>> -CXXFLAGS       += -Wall
>>>> +CFLAGS         += -Wall -fPIC
>>>> +CXXFLAGS       += -Wall -fPIC
>>>>  DEBUG_FLAG     = -g
>>>>  COMPILE_SMALL_FLAG = -Os -fno-inline -fno-keep-static-consts
>>>> /alfred
>>>> Byron Campen wrote:
>>>>>     I see some logic in the build system that was meant to  
>>>>> handle this sort of thing, but it appears to not be working.  
>>>>> Could you send the link-line?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Byron Campen
>>>>>> hi
>>>>>> when building resiprocate with "Should the resip libraries be  
>>>>>> built
>>>>>> shared?" set to "Yes", I got the following error:
>>>>>> /usr/bin/ld: obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/AbstractFifo.o: relocation
>>>>>> R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when  
>>>>>> making a
>>>>>> shared object; recompile with -fPIC
>>>>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/AbstractFifo.o: could not read symbols:  
>>>>>> Bad value
>>>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>>> make: *** [obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/librutil.so] Error 1
>>>>>> adding the "-fPIC" option solved the problem, but I am not  
>>>>>> sure if
>>>>>> this is the correct way to solve it.. patch below:
>>>>>> Index: build/Makefile.tools
>>>>>> ================================================================= 
>>>>>> ==
>>>>>> --- build/Makefile.tools        (revision 6553)
>>>>>> +++ build/Makefile.tools        (working copy)
>>>>>> @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
>>>>>>  DMANGLE                =
>>>>>>  INSTALL                = install
>>>>>>  LNDIR          = $(shell pwd)/$(ROOT)/build/lndir.sh
>>>>>> -CFLAGS         += -Wall
>>>>>> -CXXFLAGS       += -Wall
>>>>>> +CFLAGS         += -Wall -fPIC
>>>>>> +CXXFLAGS       += -Wall -fPIC
>>>>>>  DEBUG_FLAG     = -g
>>>>>>  COMPILE_SMALL_FLAG = -Os -fno-inline -fno-keep-static-consts
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> resiprocate-devel mailing list
>>>>>> resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
>>>>>> https://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/resiprocate-devel
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> resiprocate-devel mailing list
>>> resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
>>> https://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/resiprocate-devel
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>> resiprocate-devel mailing list
>> resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
>> https://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/resiprocate-devel
> _______________________________________________
> resiprocate-devel mailing list
> resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> https://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/resiprocate-devel

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