[reSIProcate] resiprocate-1.0-RC4

Alfred E. Heggestad aeh at db.org
Fri Sep 22 14:55:02 CDT 2006

Hi Byron

just FYI, building shared libs on AMD64 is still b0rken..


Byron Campen wrote:
>   Since the fix to the problem detailed in *[reSIProcate] bug in 
> SipFrag.cxx* didn't quite work (for RC3), and because there were 
> problems with the build system (header files were being installed as 
> 755, and ares is not being installed, which is necessary if we are 
> building shared libs), I would like to tag RC4 this evening. I would 
> also like to get an INSTALL file added to this release candidate. 
> Otherwise, it looks like no-one has pinpointed any bugs (the problem 
> in *[reSIProcate] resiprocate stack memeory leak?????* appears to be 
> TU-related), and I would feel comfortable releasing within a week if no 
> show-stoppers turn up. Does it sound sane to schedule the release for 
> next Friday?
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
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Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>
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