[reSIProcate] resiprocate stack memeory leak?????
frankyuan at emergent-netsolutions.com
Thu Sep 21 08:59:28 CDT 2006
My question why NoSize(0U-1) is used for mSize when clear func is called.
mStateMachineFifo.size() may return either 0 or NoSize if the queue is
It should alway return 0 if the queue is empty and NoSize should not be
NoSize causes confusion and is error prone.
Frank Yuan
Jason Fischl wrote:
> On 9/20/06, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
>> As for your questions about AbstractFifo, I am unsure why
>> mSize is
>> needed. Can anyone answer this (or, answer why clear is a no-op)?
> The clear method is virtual and gets defined in the subclasses.
> I believe that mSize is there as an optimization.
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