[reSIProcate] MinGW Build Support

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Wed Sep 13 18:00:27 CDT 2006

In case anyone is interested: I have added support to the build system 
for compiling resiprocate under MinGW. Everything compiles and links 
just fine (although, for reasons I haven't taken the time to track down, 
sanityTests errors out about 75% of the way through its testing).

If you're unfamiliar with MinGW: MinGW is a system for building native 
Windows applications using a gnu tool chain. It differs from Cygwin in 
that it doesn't attempt to provide any posix- or unix- emulation layer 
beyond what is strictly necessary to make the Gnu tool chain work. 
Applications are expected to directly use native Windows constructs for 
operating system services. It is very similar to using the Microsoft 
command-line compilers from within cmd.exe, but with much better 
Makefile support.

If you're interested in playing around with this, I've put up a brief 
summary of what you need to do to build it here:



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