[reSIProcate] Sending SDP in 183 for ServerInviteSession in UAS_EarlyProvidedOffer state

Justin Matthews jmatthewsr at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 7 14:19:46 CDT 2006


Is it valid to call provideOffer and then sendProvisional(183) for a
ServerInviteSession in the UAS_EarlyProvidedOffer state?  

The ServerInviteSession is in the UAS_EarlyProvidedOffer state after
receiving an INVITE with no SDP.



ServerInviteSession::sendProvisional(int code)
   mDialog.makeResponse(*m1xx, mFirstRequest, code);
   switch (mState)
      case UAS_OfferProvidedAnswer:
      case UAS_EarlyProvidedAnswer:

	/**!!! INSERTED HERE ----> */
	case UAS_EarlyProvidedOffer:

         if (mCurrentLocalSdp.get()) // early media
            setSdp(*m1xx, mCurrentLocalSdp.get());

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