[reSIProcate] DUM..
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Sep 6 08:38:17 CDT 2006
1. yes - also check out the RedirectHandler - it offers some control over whether a redirect occurs or not.
2. sdp alternative has something to do with S/MIME - not sure exactly what though
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org on behalf of Nicolas LEGROS
Sent: Wed 9/6/2006 9:29 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] DUM..
Hi !
I've two questions concerning DUM :
1/ Redirection
DUM seems to handle redirection by itself (with RedirectionManager's help)...
I mean, if the application sends a first INVITE to a destination
Then DUM receives a reponse 3xx
DUM is supposed to send a second INVITE by itself (without the application's help)
Then, what is the purpose of the callback onRedirected(ClientInviteSessionHandle, const SipMessage& msg)?
Is this callback just to inform the application about the redirection?
2/ SDP alternative
I don't understand the use of the parameter alternative.
For example, in this method:
makeInviteSession(const NameAddr& target,const SharedPtr<UserProfile>& userProfile,
const SdpContents* initialOffer,EncryptionLevel level,const SdpContents* alternative,
AppDialogSet* appDs)
What is it for? Can you give me an example
Thanks by advance!
Nicolas L.
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