[reSIProcate] DUM questions

Emmanuel BUU emmanuel.buu at ives.fr
Wed Sep 6 03:42:48 CDT 2006

Nicolas LEGROS a écrit :
> Hi Resip Developer!
> I’ve 2 questions concerning DUM:
> - *_Authentication question:_*
> A ClientAuthManager is set.
> Imagine that my UAC sends an IVITE without authentication.
> The server will sends a 407 response.
> Is there a callback which is called to indicate the application that a
> 407 response was received?
> Or is DUM handle the authentication by his own (without the
> application’s help)?
The dum handles the authentication itself provided that you:

    * Created a master profile object
    * Created an authentication manager object and passed it to the DUM
    * Set user / password / realm information in this master profile
      using mp.setDigestCredential()
    * Passed your master profile to the DUM using dum.setMasterProfile()

> - *_484 Response/overlap:_*
> Does DUM supports overlap Dialing.
> If a 484 Response (Address Incomplete) is received, what does DUM do?
> Is a callback called to indicate the application that the address is
> incomplete?
> Thanks by advance!
> Nicolas L.
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Emmanuel BUU <mailto:emmanuel.buu at ives.fr> - Gérant / General Manager -
IVèS <http://ives.televisite.net/societe/>

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